ABOUT the online workshop series

The Regional Development Committee, in collaboration with the Membership Chair and the IAAGT Board, is delighted to announce a series of workshops to be presented online as an extension of the IAAGT conference that took place in May 2022, in Ireland.

In recognition of the fact that many presenters (from both the original 2020 postponed conference and the actual in-person event that took place in May 2022) were unable to deliver their workshops, we decided to create a space for those who missed out. Out of those presenters who responded to our invitation, fourteen accepted and we now have a series of online workshops which will take place on the first weekend of the month, beginning in February 2023 through to September 2023.

#iaagtireland2022 // #iaagt


All proceeds from the event will support IAAGT and its Funds: the Bud Feder Scholarship Fund; The Research Fund; and The Regional Fund, which support, in different ways, the advancement of Gestalt Therapy.

Online Workshop Conveners:
Deirdre Foley and Deirdre Winter

Workshop schedule

The list of workshops is as follows:

Saturday 4 February: 1-3pm ET
Emmanuel Hernani – Enhancing awareness and dialogue by utilizing dreams, fairy tales and identification-projection experiments

Sunday 5 February: 1-5pm ET
Rebecca Waletich – Experiment and phenomenology in working with gender diverse humans

Saturday 4 March: 1-3pm ET
Patricia Tucker – Exploring exile and belonging in gestalt group therapy

Sunday 5 March: 1-3pm ET
Jane Severn – Femenome: the lost feminine gestalt

Saturday 1 April: 1-3pm ET
Kooch Daniels – Symbolic perspectives of being and belonging
(maximum number of participants = 12)

Sunday 2 April: 1-3pm ET
Victor Daniels – Life-Space mapping

Saturday 6 May: 2-4pm ET
Peter Philippson – Where is Home?
(maximum number of participants = 20)

Sunday 7 May: 2-4pm ET
Eva Gold & Steve Zahm – What is Buddhist psychology informed gestalt therapy?

Saturday 3 June: 2-6pm ET
Katherine Curran – Systemic constellations as an inclusive method for personal and professional growth

Sunday 4 June: 2-4pm ET
Michael Clemmens – Illness and dis-ease as exile and potential loss of belonging

Saturday 1 July: 2-4pm ET
Lisa Withrow – Coaching as liminal space
(maximum number of participants = 30)

Sunday 2 July: 2-4pm ET
Julianne Appel-Opper – How do living bodies speak?

Saturday 5 August: 1-3pm ET
Ronald Alexander – New integrations in mindfulness, somatic experiencing and gestalt therapy for deepening our interconnectedness to the creative unconsciousness

Saturday 2 September: 2-4pm ET
Stella Resnick – A Field Perspective on Love, Sex, & Belonging: Basic Needs, Self-Esteem, & the Pursuit of Happiness in Psychotherapy

We are committed to fostering possibilities for:

Creative dialogue to explore our experiences of connection and separation within, between and around us.

Workshops, both planned and emergent, to rigorously explore our creative capacities for inquiry and understanding of the processes of alienating, healing, interconnectedness and belonging.